Chaotic Shiny Productions

Character Builder Generator Pack

Do you write stories or run games that involve characters of any sort? Then the Character Pack is for you!
Generates characters for modern, medieval fantasy and science fiction settings.

Get Inspired with character ideas that wouldn't have occurred to you on your own.
Save Time by dropping generated characters straight into your story or game.

The Character Builder is written in .NET, which means it should work on Windows XP or newer, and any Mac or *nix box that has an appropriate emulator installed. (Some features, such as printing, might not work on emulators.)

As with all of our products, the Character Builder comes with our 30 day money back guarantee. Don't like the product, or it doesn't work on your computer? Let us know, and we'll refund your money.

Buy the Character Builder generator pack now for only $3.95
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